f6d3264842 3) Just general advice, critique, compliments would be nice. ... want to give it a different name; we already have an SCP called the gas mask.. Shotgun => Very fine => Minigun Pistol => Rough => Ammokit Ammokit => Very fine => Pistol. Medkit => Fine => SCP-427. Gas mask => Very fine => SCP-1499. He went into the small storage room right next door and found a gas mask and a .... The words Rough, Coarse, 1:1, Fine, and Very Fine are positioned at points .... 20 Jul 2019 ... -Get the gas mask and the level 1 key card. ... -Faster/Risky: Putting SCP-914 in Very Fine, should give you the omnicard (1:3 / 33% failure). The heavy gas mask and heavy hazmat suit now protect against the effects of .... the SCP-914 outcomes for the Night Vision Goggles on "Fine" and "Very Fine".. I also had that issue. I'd put it on either fine or very fine but I no longer get the "Infinite Sprint" Gas Mask. Not sure what happened or if Regalis .... SCP If the gas voyage is combined with an mi of SCP and put through SCP on "Fine" or "Very Fine", it will xx the Heavy Gas Mask. SCP If the gas xx is combined .... 24 Jul 2017 ... Description: SCP-1499 is a Soviet GP-5 gas mask. A seal test performed on the object suggests that the object retains its original functionality.. But here's the catch, in order to obtain night vision you need to place the gasmask in SCP-914 and set it to "very fine". This would work because .... 19 Aug 2018 ... "Super" Gas Mask: "Refining the Gas Mask on "Fine" or "Very Fine" throughout SCP-914 yields a version of the Gas Mask which enables a .... Home · Board voyage · SCP - Containment Voyage · General amigo I was mi v, going about my usual routine, put the gas mask in on "very fine". Home · Ne .... 20 Jun 2019 ... It can be obtained by putting the Hazmat Suit through SCP-914 on the "Fine" or "Very Fine" setting. Its stamina regenerating effects will stack with the super gas mask.. As it says putting the gas mask in 914 will make it into the Super Gas Mask. But when I put it in there on Fine or Very Fine it just stays as a .... SCP-914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area ... Gas Mask, Fine, Very Fine, Super Gas Mask, that gives the player unlimited .... ... gas mask patched out? I'm playing on 1.3.11, and when I tried putting a gas mask through on SCP-914 on Fine or Very Fine, there was.... 2 Nov 2018 ... Gas Mask, Heavy Gas Mask, Fine, Very Fine, Super Gas Mask. Hazmat Suit .... SCP-294 drink previously refined on the Fine setting. Very Fine .... If the gas mask is combined with an ingot of SCP-148 and put through SCP-914 on "Fine" or "Very Fine", it will produce the .... 2 Sep 2016 - 3 min - Uploaded by BattleforgePLEASE READ-- Okay, Just after I made this video I noticed that another YouTuber by the name .... SCP-1499, referred to as "The Gas Mask", is an item that can be equipped in SCP ... and "Very Fine" refines the gas mask into a hostile SCP-1499-1 instance.. Unless you're wearing a gas mask, it causes you to cough and blink rapidly, ... the S-Nav through SCP-914 on the 'Very Fine' setting allows it to track SCPs ...
Scp Gas Mask Very Fine